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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

“The Most Connected Human on Earth” - Chris Dancy on Technology and Life, Part 1

b2ap3_thumbnail_Most-Connected-Man.jpgChris Dancy is known far and wide for being "the most connected human on earth", but how exactly does he do it? It's much easier than some people think. He takes advantage of the numerous technologies and systems available, and they all work together to track his every move. Why would he want to do this? It's not for bragging rights, as some might say - rather, it is all about a "quantified life existence." To find out what this means, we got a chance to interview Chris about his tech journey.

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Microsoft Yields - Windows 8.1 Update Deadline Extended

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_eight_point_one_update_400.jpgMicrosoft has announced that, unless you upgrade to Windows 8.1 Update (think of it like a service pack) users will no longer receive updates and support for Windows 8.1. The deadline was set for May 13th, but Microsoft bailed on this deadline the day before it would pass and, instead, extended the deadline. The update is crucial if you are using Windows 8.1 and desire to continue receiving patches for the operating system.

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Is Microsoft Ending Support for Windows 8.1?

b2ap3_thumbnail_win_8_one_update_400.jpgIn an interesting twist to the Microsoft OS saga, Microsoft announced that it will cease providing security updates for Windows 8.1 unless users upgrade the software to Windows 8.1 Update (the newest Microsoft OS update). What's Microsoft's reasoning behind this verdict?

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4 Tips to Keep the Phish From Biting

b2ap3_thumbnail_phishing_400.jpgJust like the dark waters of the benthic ocean trenches, the Internet is filled with wondrous creatures that have never been seen before. However, there are also rather ugly things lurking in the depths as well. No matter how deep you swim, there are always the deep sea phishermen that will try to rip you away from everything you hold dear – your personal and professional data.

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Cyber Punks – Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

b2ap3_thumbnail_security_from_threats_400.jpgIn high school, there were always the rebellious kids who never wanted to do what their teachers said. They would vandalize the bathroom stalls, walk around the halls without permission, skip classes, and make the school an overall unpleasant environment. The teachers eventually decided that enough was enough, and they banned certain privileges that the students had. Bathroom breaks became timed. Hall monitors stalked the halls looking for troublemakers. Our liberty was stolen by these hooligans.

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